Pneumonia update . . . and Jonas

It's January 22 and I still have pneunonia. There have been times when I thought I was getting well, such as last Saturday, when I made my every-six-week trek to my Myers Park hair salon and then had a nice lunch at Baoding in SouthPark. But the next day, Sunday, I was pretty much bedridden.

I managed to work this week, but only because I have the kind of job where I can work from home. I cannot image what I'd do if I had to actually be somewhere. I'm tired all the time. I have a constant cough. I'm still not breathing normally.


And now we're having an ice storm - named Jonas. Not that I care because I plan to spend the weekend at home, probably in bed most of the time, because I really want to do whatever I can to get rid of this bug once and for all.

Until then . . .


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