Annoying catalogs

Today I received six catalogs in the mail.

It occurred to me not long ago that I'm getting way too many unwanted catalogs. I'm not sure how this happens. I guess the companies you want to get magazines from sell your name and address to other companies. Whatever. All I know is, I don't want magazines selling men's clothing, athletic apparel that only women size 6 and under can wear, or incontinence products. And I certainly don't want more trees to die just so I can see photos of cheap plastic crap I neither want nor need.

Does this sound like a rant? Well, I guess it is, because I'm sick of these catalogs piling up. Mine get recycled (I hope - you can never really know for sure, I guess) but how many just go to the landfills? Fortunately, I found a web site that can help me with this. Catalog Choice can help me decide which catalogs I want, and stop those I don't want. It's good for the environment, and it's totally free! 

If you find yourself in a similar situation and want to do something about it, just go to Reclaim your mailbox!

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