
Showing posts from 2010


Time lapse

Snow update

White Christmas?

Aw, shucks

Fear not the nail gun

Friday night at the local coffeehouse

Southern gothic

Deep fried delicacies

Island time

Empty beach

Unexpected Thanksgiving

Forever autumn

Fall color

Come on, ride the train

Where I'm supposed to be

My other life

At the office


My old school

Inspired by elders

Mitch, please call Bev asap

The house with the crooked floor

Work sweet work

Freedom Park

A walk in the woods

10 things I like about Charlotte (so far!)

Secret's in the sauce

Settling in

Sick of being sick

The first two weeks in Charlotte

Sorry for the delay, but . . .

The saltwater pool

Hidden messages in songs

Carolina cake

Moving daze

10 things I'll miss about Indiana

And the winner is . . .

An exercise in patience

Hmmm . . .

10 things I never did in Indiana

Classic cars

Fire ants, fleas, and pick-up trucks

It's got a lot

The land of PAM